ChinTao 8 Life Science

Our research combined with our knowledge of ancestral remedies of Chinese medicine has allowed us to develop therapeutic formulas concentrating 100% of the expected benefits of each plant and each root selected.

By adapting the dosage to each patient and each stage of the disease, we combine our manual therapy methods. The patient is monitored by our diagnostic devices throughout the healing process.

We can thus adjust the therapy to each patient and harmonize with the progressive changes that the body makes.

The ChinTao 8 Vision

Uniquely focused life science company delivering exclusive tonic herb formulas, based on 30 years experience, and services to balance and build harmony for human beings

The Art of Healing

It is important to keep in mind the basic principles of heat/cold, excess/deficiency, wind, damp, and so on, and to recognize their dynamic natures. In this way one can discover which of the remedies are truly appropriate. Likewise, most individuals who have a certain disease described by medical science will experience it uniquely and therefore need treatments suited to their specific conditions. For example, two people with tumors in the same area of the body may have entirely different constitutions and natures. Even though both have tumors and therefore a probable damp condition, one person may be deficient with cold signs while the other has excess and heat signs.

Symptoms may also vary through the course of any illness. During a bout with the common cold, for example, mucus may change from light, clear, and runny (cold) to yellow and thick (heat), so that the person needs warming herbs and treatment at the outset and cooling later.

In order to adjust to changing needs, it is essential to be a creative healing artist, observing and listening on all levels, exercising care and patience, while at the same time clearly grasping the nature of the condition. The simple yet profound patterns that we have thus far developed are indispensable here. We often see the best intentions fail when people either refuse to look at underlying principles or are ignorant of them.

Intuition plays a vital role in the art of healing, but during a healing crisis there is very often fear, lack of focus, and various emotional attachments of the practitioner to the ill person, all of which cloud intuition. Diagnostic patterns that we use are invaluable aids which magnify and clarify the borders between intuition and reason, art and science, ChinTao is the foundation for traditional healing arts – diet, herbs, exercise, awareness practices, healing touch, acupressure-as well as modern medical treatments.

The Chintao 8 Life Science Approach

Our research combined with our knowledge of ancestral remedies of Chinese medicine has allowed us to develop therapeutic formulas concentrating 100% of the expected benefits of each plant and each root selected.

By adapting the dosage to each patient and each stage of the disease, we combine our manual therapy methods.

The patient is monitored by our diagnostic devices throughout the healing process. We can thus adjust the therapy to each patient and harmonize with the progressive changes that the body makes.

Cellular Health

The concept  of Cellular Health is based upon the principle that health is determined at the level of the billions of cells that make up the human body.

The cellular level in the human body has effectively been neglected by conventional medicine, and orthodox doctors treat our organs without properly addressing the nutritional status of the cells that compose them.

Cellular Health research focuses on nutrient synergy as the most effective approach to optimizing cellular metabolism and restoring its balance, and has repeatedly shown that this approach is more effective than using individual nutrients, or their random combination.

“Empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to unlock radiant healthy living.”

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ChinTao 8 Life Science

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