Can you give us an example to show how ChinTao therapies work on patients or help people to be healthier?

Threatening diseases ranging from chronic stress syndrome to cancer can be prevented and neutralized with the right healing techniques. “ChinTao” therapy is a combination of Iridology and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) promoting blood circulation, regulating the immune system. enhancing cellular health and improving detoxification. We also are aware that most people need information in order to reach good, well thought-out and motivated decisions, especially on a subject as important as their health.


What do your patients or guests think about ChinTao therapies?

As for many years I have treated many people with ChinTao therapies around the world, I would not say that there’s a difference between West and East. By giving the patient full knowledge of the treatment and therapies they feel very comfortable with the process and after regaining full energy they will use the tonic herbs as a daily food supplement to maintain their health.


Do you think your ChinTao therapies can be combined with spa treatments to help people regain more energy?

I am sure that the ChinTao Therapies could be very beneficial in combination with spa treatments. When the body is in balance it will benefit much more from spa treatments than when it is in bad shape. When the “Qi” is blocked the body becomes ill, whereas when the “Qi” is balanced, individuals achieve a relaxed harmonious state.


As we know, the herbal substances are so rare and they are often only available in deep forests or mountains, so how do you get them?

We leave no stone unturned to obtain premium-grade herbs like Lingzhi (genoderma lucidum). Tienchi (pseudo radix ginseng), PSP (Yun Zhi) and many others. Every one of our premium tonic herbs has been the target of an intensive hunt. I have spent many years living in Asia going from province to province, valley to valley and laboratory to laboratory finding the herbs that yield the most health benefits when consumed.


Why do you have so much confidence in TCM?

With a history of 2,000 to 3,000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has formed a unique system to diagnose and cure illness. The TCM approach is fundamentally different from that of Western medicine. In TCM, the understanding of the human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe as described in Daoism, and the treatment of illness is based primarily on the diagnosis and differentiation of syndromes. The ancient wisdom of Chinese superior herbs and tonic herbalism is based on the premise that it is possible to attain a state of health, known as radiant health, through the consumption of superior Chinese tonic herbs and ancient wisdom.


What are your suggestions for people with fast-paced lifestyles to minimize and manage stress?

It’s all about balance-your body needs stability. If you take something from your body you have togive something else back. Most of the people do not understand the needs of their body and abuse it untt t coll apses It is always best to buld a stronger more healthy system priorto hawing a problem rather than waiting for disham ony or illness to set in.


What’s the advantage of ChinTaoLife Science compared with modern medicine?

Going back to basics and understanding the body and its needs is an important issue. As we need a holistic approach we need the mind, spirit and body to be in perfect balance. Modem medicine is based on symptoms and not the source of the disease, it treats not the full body but separates the organs as individual mechanisms.

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ChinTao 8 Life Science

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